Göteborg Book Fair 2022 - How big is the climate impact of going to the Göteborg Book Fair?

Göteborg Book Fair (Bokmässan) takes place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre located in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden.
One of the themes of the 2022 Göteborg Book Fair is the Climate Crisis. But how big is the climate impact of travelling to the Göteborg Book Fair? And what's the difference between flying there, going by car and taking the train?
Calculate emissions for a trip to the Book Fair
Use the Travel CO2Climate Impact Calculator below to compare emissions from your location.
Going to the fair from Stockholm
In the years of 2018 and 2019, the Göteborg Book Fair had at least 85 000 visitors per year and about 10% of those were from the region of Stockholm. Let's see how the emissions differ if the visitors from Stockholm would all go by plane or take the train.
There is a big difference in the total emissions if all visitors from Stockholm decide fly to Gothenburg or if they all go by train, an almost 800 ton CO₂ emission difference.
What can the Göteborg Book Fair do to encourage visitors to make climate friendly travel choices?.